Ceox Team Social - Games Night
Last week the Ceox team stayed after work for the February social with some fun and downtime from the day job. We held our first social and gaming evening, which proved to be very popular. You would expect that in an organisation such as ours that with a mixture of digital computer games, board games and sporting activities it would be the computer games that would be selected first. But it would seem not!
The evening started with Alki’s analytical game of ‘what am I’ that drove a number of the team mad trying to work out. But an hour and a half later, after some liquid lubrication and pizza, the code was eventually cracked. Truth be told we still think some of the team haven’t worked it out! It was great to get the grey matter thinking in alternative ways.
Alongside this, card games and board games were underway until the group split into teams for a tournament of table football. A wide range of capabilities were on display. The football players were spinning, the ball was flying, and the crowd were engrossed. Miguel and Poly emerged victorious with a truly dominant display. Miguel demonstrated skills that hinted at a misspent youth and many childhood hours spent honing his table football skills!
As for the Mario cart, well it never made it out of the bag and the evening was all the better for it. It would seem another competitive gaming night for the team will be organised again soon.
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