
Many Public Sector organisations are looking to provide services digitally.  Our Discovery service takes a Customer Focused approach to digital service design and complies with Government Digital Service (GDS) Service Standard.

A side view of some hands typing on a laptop

Customer Centric

At Ceox we start with the needs of the user and in terms of providing Digital Services, that means User Experience (UX) Research to improve understanding of the needs of both internal and external users.  We utilise best practice research methodologies and tools to conduct User Research to gain customer insights and establish users, use cases and the customer journey.  We then undertake User Experience Design to create an engaging experience that customers will want to use.

A man sat in a modern hotel lobby working on a laptop

Service Design

Underpinning the Digital Service is the Service Design.  Through a series of customer workshops we seek to understand specific business requirements, processes and priorities. We will also consider business process and data capture points, understand infrastructure, integration, data migration and roll-out plans to gather sufficient information to propose a Service Design.

An overhead view of a wooden collaboration desk with four laptops and other electronic devices being used

Best Practice Approach

Our approach incorporates best practice methodologies and meets the requirements of the GDS Digital Service Standard. Through our extensive experience we are able to adapt the approach to meet the complexity and scope of customer projects.  This pragmatic approach is efficient, flexible and delivers results quickly and effectively.

Our Approach to delivering services maps directly onto the GDS Discovery, Alpha, Beta, Live project phases and is designed to ensure that any service is based around the needs of the user.

To find out more, drop us an email on:

If you’d rather talk on the phone, then our number is: 0333 987 4495

Our services are available through the Digital Marketplace via the G-Cloud and Digital Outcomes and Specialists (DOS) frameworks. Find out more by searching for Ceox on the Digital Marketplace.